Saturday, February 28, 2015

Mommy's Doing Stuff: How I Balance My "Busy"

Give up on being perfect. Really. Let it go. I accept that I'm good at some things, great at a few things, and really lousy at other things. I remind myself of this daily because I struggle with feeling like I'm not good enough.

Find an organizational system that works for you. I rely on my online calendar and notes, and color-coded folders and piles. Growing up, I quickly learned that if it wasn't in my mother's book, it didn't exist.

Multitask, Multipurpose, and Make it work. For me, this means I am often (but not always) doing something else while breastfeeding. I've surprised even myself in the ways I've added to this list. Multitasking is a necessity as a mom, but can leave you feeling scattered and unfocused. Multipurposing means rearranging or combining your tasks so a single task can serve multiple purposes. Break larger tasks into smaller ones. You can fit several small tasks into your day between a few large tasks, like a jar full of rocks, sand, and water. I wrote this a few sentences at a time.

Ask for help! It doesn't mean you failed, it means you are HUMAN. I have a wonderful hubby, supportive friends and family, reliable sitters, and a network of resources to call on when I need them. (I really can't thank them enough!) I don't have time to wait for someone to come ask me what I need. I have to be my own advocate.

Identify the things you enjoy and make one of them a priority every day. If you keep putting off the less urgent stuff, you'll never get to it. This along with the next one...

Do what energizes you. I know many of you already do this, but be proud of it. I'm someone who needs to be involved and busy. (My mom is too.) I'm energized by learning new things and sharing what I've learned to help others. I've found ways to do this that include one or both of my children.

This is how I do stuff. 

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